I’s Friday and for dinner I am treating myself with a large portion of chips and ¼ watermelon that I bought on the <Green&Healty>Turkish Off-licence on my way home, before it closed.
Turning down the plans for tonight was justified by the desire of sitting down and finally articulating the first line of this amazing ‘play’ I am writing. Or, not yet writing, I’d better say.
During the last weeks writing has been put off by the imminent need of researching George Perec's spaces, Francis Bacon's studio in Reece Mews, Foucault´s intro on Las Meninas, Ruby Keeler’s tap-dancing and other backstage musicals, Virginia Woolf’s room of hers, Edward Albee`s Zoo, Neil Bartlett’s queer voice and Balzac’s masterpiece.
I now only wish I started writing a month ago, before I had come across any of this.