Emerging Star14_Fan

Lately I had been moaning about not getting any screen work for a long time, but finally, today, I got to work again. I didn't do much but I guess I can call it acting for the screen because I was on TV -the BBC- and will get paid for it. They call it royalties. A series that was shot and broadcasted more than a year ago, which happens to be running for second time around.

I guess I can say I’ve been on TV twice then, and change the date of my Spotlight credit to make it rise to the top of the list. But the most exciting part is that I now have a fan. A real fan.

I knew immediately that the series was back when I read his message in my twitter account: “Hi sir. Great salsa dancing on TV today. I lived in Sevilla for 4 months and wish I’d been taught to dance like that.”