Emerging Star21_The Clown

Last week I was very busy taking part in a clowning workshop. Ten to six every day, Monday to Friday: like a full time job. And let me tell you that full time clowning can feel like a burden if you take it too seriously, but we were lucky enough to have a teacher who was an idiot and had such a good time.

Everyday we played -at least twice- a game he considered was the foundation of clowning. The game had two rules: when someone says your name you touch someone else and when someone touches you, you say someone else’s name. I was consistently one of the first to leave the game and it bothered me to think that I wouldn’t be a successful clown because I wasn’t good at this stupid game.So I spoke to the French clown how could she always be in the final, and she said this was the third time she did this workshop.

My favourite moment was when we all managed to skipped the rope, one after the other with no gaps. The saddest thing was when everyone said nice things to each other in the pub when we were saying goodbye.

If you feel like an idiot sometimes, don’t worry, it’s okay to be stupid. But be honest. The danger comes when idiots are corrupt and misleading, and do it as a full time job.