Five Years

Fernando and I met on three different occasions before we clicked. It happened in Madrid, five years ago, but neither of us remembers what the exact date was, so we agreed on the 14th of August and wrote it on the back of a picture frame with the photograph of an ocean liner which now hangs from our kitchen wall.

My favourite thing about this is being able to be out of the closet. The next best thing is sharing our wardrobe.

It doesn't mean that we do it all the time, but it is nice to borrow his grey tweed jacket for an audition or a dinner party every now and then, or see him wearing a pair of shoes that I haven't been using much lately. Trousers are a tricky one, though.

Whenever he is away I'll wear his blue thick woolen sweater to keep me company and when he comes back I will recognise the smell of the clean clothes that his mum has washed for him.

We never wear matching outfits but we are often in the same colour spectrum and although we do have two identical sets of pijamas, Fernando prefers to sleep in his underwear.

It was in his flat, the morning after we met five years ago, when we agreed that we would move to London together.

Emerging Star19_The Seventies

In an attempt of expanding my casting bracket and meeting the requirements of genres such as fantasy or period drama I have been growing my hair for the last year, but so far I haven't been able to go past the seventies.

It's my third seventies film in the last two months, and let me tell you bell bottoms and psychedelia might be the next ‘swag’, but it is definitely not mine. Everyone is thin and long like a Giacometti figure, clothes are brown and beige like regional ponchos and trousers are so flat that there is no way of fitting my bum in them without feeling like a Kardashian.

But I don't really care this time because they are treating me really well. You can always tell that a production is good when you can have avocados with your breakfast, and the hair and make-up department is divided in two. The other day I sat for half an hour listening to Kate Bush while Giulliano dried and styled my hair.

And there were period hats, glasses, fake facial hair and prosthetics, wigs, coloured handkerchiefs, suitcases, cars and we just loved it when they props team gave us cameras and were told we could pop the flashes during the scene: pop! Pop!

Emerging Star18_The Writer

I’s Friday and for dinner I am treating myself with a large portion of chips and ¼ watermelon that I bought on the <Green&Healty>Turkish Off-licence on my way home, before it closed.

Turning down the plans for tonight was justified by the desire of sitting down and finally articulating the first line of this amazing ‘play’ I am writing. Or, not yet writing, I’d better say.

During the last weeks writing has been put off by the imminent need of researching George Perec's spaces, Francis Bacon's studio in Reece Mews, Foucault´s intro on Las Meninas, Ruby Keeler’s tap-dancing and other backstage musicals, Virginia Woolf’s room of hers, Edward Albee`s Zoo, Neil Bartlett’s queer voice and Balzac’s masterpiece.

I now only wish I started writing a month ago, before I had come across any of this.

Emerging Star17_Apparitions

There is always a last minute 'return ticket' to a sold out show when you are persistent enough. That's how I got to see Angels in America at the National Theatre last week.

I was struck by how current that dramaturgy still is and really enjoyed the actor playing Louis who had made bold and unpredictable choices that I would have never thought of.

This morning, when the doors of my train opened at Liverpool Street, Louis- or the actor playing Louis, was on the platform wearing jeans and a red shirt, standing still like an apparition in Kushner's play.

I almost jumped off the train to approach him, but not only I was running late to my casting, but it was too early for it all not to be scary. So I stood still and became another apparition of the Gay Fantasia as the doors of the train slowly closed between us.

Hasta Burdeos

Nick es alargado tirando a flaquenque y con una barba negra azabache como la de Jim Morrison en sus época más oscura.

Nos conocimos en el futuro y nos fuimos haciendo amigos en el pasado y en el presente trabajando como extras en diferentes rodajes.

Hace un mes, vestidos de hippies en la estación de Paddington, Nick me propuso acompañarlo a llevar un camión de Londres a Burdeos y acepté pensando que como plan de vacaciones de verano no estaba del todo mal.

Hoy de madrugada cruzamos el Canal de la Mancha por debajo del agua y al llegar a Francia puse Soda Stereo a todo volúmen y le dije a Nick que la canción se llamaba 'American Venetian Blind' y sin entender nada se río y bajó las ventanillas mientras mirábamos desde la autopista el paisaje que durante horas se pareció muchísimo al fondo de escritorio genérico del Windows Vista pero con molinos de viento a veces.

Llegamos muertos y como era dia festivo los supermercados estaban cerrados, pero Nick dijo que no había problema porque en la casa había cosas para comer.

A la hora de la cena, bajó a la bodega y subió con una botella de vino tinto y un frasco con una conserva amarilla y dijo que eran gran reservas del 2008 y nos morimos de la risa.

Lavando los platos después de cenar me fijé discretamente en la etiqueta escrita a mano del frasco que ponía "sanglier avril 2008".

*sanglier; puerco salvaje


Dear Mister Einstein

I can't figure out why the train is so slow when I'm running late to my casting and radically faster when I am trying to eat a sandwich on my way back.

It's the same train, isn't it?

Emerging Star16_The Canteen

After eight weeks at the Royal Opera House I can now say that my favourite part of this experience has been spending time at the canteen.

You may picture hanging velvet drapes, wooden floors and walls covered with framed posters of past productions and memorabilia carefully set in glass vitrines, but no. It's a plain rectangular white tiled box organised with 30 long tables rhythmically placed along the space and a huge buffet at the end. There is a fourth wall made of glass which outlooks to Covent Garden and through which one can see an unusually beautiful skyline with

-two neogothic towers with a clock each
-the London Eye
-a group of tall buildings that makes me think of Chicago, although I've never been to Chicago.
-three British flags waving
-the turning Coliseum sign on top of the ENO
-fourteen cranes among dozens of black slate roof with smoke coming out of a few chimneys

Until around eleven most technicians have a full English breakfast broken down into elements to facilitate the payment and lunch starts from noon. You can sometimes see the main singers from the current productions eating between rehearsals and sometimes even a visiting star. (I had the chance to see  Anne Marie von Otter eating spaghetti Bolognese as she discussed with Sir John Thomlinson, who was having kidney pie with mash and peas, about the duet they were singing together in The Exterminating Angel).

 It is unusual to see the Royal Ballet dancers before three coming in their ragged clothes and tight buns to have their half banana and bottle of Lucozade for lunch. And if Oliver Mears -the new ROH director has any at all, it is always between four and five when there’s nobody there except the kitchen staff in their break, and right before the covers come in to celebrate with a full meal, that they are not performing again that night.

The canteen definitely has felt like the most democratic space in Covent Garden while I was there.

Emerging Star15_Sheep

It is the small details that make ordinary art sublime, and that is precisely how three live sheep arrived to the Opera House. They obviously don’t sing but they appear more than I do.

At the beginning, we had Rosemary, Thyme and Mint -the leading sheep, who at an early stage of rehearsals got sick and was replaced by Sheila -the understudy.

They had been doing really well until the fire alarm came off last week during a dress rehearsal. Not only they were confused, but many of us disagreed in whether the sheep had or not priority to evacuate the building. By the time we all managed to get out to Covent Garden the scene looked like the ‘Adoration of the Magi’.

It’s has been funny for some of us but not for Rosemary, Thyme and Sheila who since then haven’t been able to be onstage without shitting compulsively and blocking the scene changes.

For the Opening Night the chorus has been advised to sing very quietly, the orchestra to play subtly and the soprano encouraged to sing with her chest voice during this bit in order to avoid stressing the sheep.

Belle Dixit

《I want adventure in the great wide somewhere/I want it more than I can tell/and for once it might be grand/to have someone understand/I want so much more than they've got planned》

Emerging Star14_Fan

Lately I had been moaning about not getting any screen work for a long time, but finally, today, I got to work again. I didn't do much but I guess I can call it acting for the screen because I was on TV -the BBC- and will get paid for it. They call it royalties. A series that was shot and broadcasted more than a year ago, which happens to be running for second time around.

I guess I can say I’ve been on TV twice then, and change the date of my Spotlight credit to make it rise to the top of the list. But the most exciting part is that I now have a fan. A real fan.

I knew immediately that the series was back when I read his message in my twitter account: “Hi sir. Great salsa dancing on TV today. I lived in Sevilla for 4 months and wish I’d been taught to dance like that.”

Emerging Star13_Opera House

As a teenager I had two big dreams: learning french and moving to Paris -after reading Julio Cortázar’s ‘Hopscotch’, and working at the Royal Opera House.

The first one didn’t develop any further than ‘Nicolas Le Grand conduire sa voiture dans l’avenue des Champs-Élysées’, but the other one...well I happened to move to London and somehow, last summer, ended up applying for a Front of the House position there. After my second Usher Assessment Morning I got an email from the recruitment department saying ‘Unfortunately you were not successful this time’.

Months later, dressed up as victorian-man-in-a-crowd, freezing, in an outdoor execution scene at night, I overheard a conversation between two victorian vendors where one of them explained the advantages of being an extra in the Opera. Opera. Opera. Opera House. Royal Opera House.

Let me tell you I haven’t had a minute of rest since, but I finally found my way in. The right contact, the right email, the right timing and (((zas))) I was invited to audition today for the role of servant/nurse/dead body/ in their next production. I had number 29. 
Let’s see what the recruitment department has to say this time.

Emerging Star12_Pedicura

Hoy, algunos de nosotros nos vestimos de etiqueta para caminar sobre la alfombra roja. Unos en la entrega de los Oscars. Otros para escanear escarapelas en “Belleza Profesional”, la feria de estética y bienestar más importante de Londres.

Siento que hoy, aquí más que en Hollywood, estuvo representada la diversidad. Se vieron manicuristas orientales con el pelo teñido de los colores primarios, masajistas eslavos perfectamente bronceados y depilados, y peluqueras del sudeste asiático con los brazos tatuados con pájaros y calaveras. Representando a Colombia: Jairo Vergara, un visitante de Guacarí, y servidor, ambos provenientes del Valle del Cauca.

A la hora del almuerzo me compré por tres libras un alicate para cortarme las uñas de los pies. Y aquí estoy, empiyamado delante de la tele haciéndome la pedicura mientras espero a que los otros, los que hoy tambièn se visten de etiqueta para pisar la alfombra roja, empiecen a trabajar.


I dreamt I was caught nicking a nine-roll-pack of white toilet paper at Tesco and I was deported back to Europe.

Emerging Star11_Salsa

Dear Alejandro
Are you available to be a featured dancer in a music video?

You must be a SALSA dancer. If you are receiving this message it is because you have listed salsa as a SKILL on your profile. Please only put yourself forward if you have salsa DANCING ability.

The RATE is £200 for the day and you should be prepared to be semi-NUDE/dancing in underwear. The production may require you to wear FLESH coloured underwear to create the ILLUSION of nudity.

Best, Ralph 

Emerging Star10_Super Fast

As I walk into the room they explain that the product we are advertising is an ultra fast wifi experience.
-"Imagine you are in front of your computer and suddenly you're free falling or riding a roller coaster."

The next thing is they are blowing air in my face with a vaccum cleaner.

<<<re<<<membe<<<<r<<<<to<ke<<<<ep<<your<<<<e<<<<yes<ope<<<<<<n<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I<<<<<<can’t<<<<<<he< <<ar<< <<you<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<re<<<membe<<<<<<

During 20 seconds

Thank you, next...

EmergingStar9_Doctor, doctor

En Londres, cuando no sabes cómo vas a pagar el alquiler del mes entrante, siempre suena el teléfono. 

-David Pérez, camarero español, treinta y dos años, casado con un hijo. Ciento veinte libras. ¿Te interesa?
-Sí. ¿Es para una peli?
-Es para un juego de rol. (Dungeons and Dragons fue lo primero que se me vino a la cabeza)
-¿Me van a pagar por jugar?
-No, te van a pagar para que los estudiantes de medicina aprendan a pasar consulta.

* * *

sala1:cáncer de próstata > sala2:mutilación genital > sala3:fibromalgia > sala 4:migraña > sala5:TDH > sala6:ludopatía

* * *

(pag1)Llegaste a Londres hace un año buscando trabajo y ahora eres el encargado de un restaurante Italiano en Marylebone. Disfrutas del aspecto social del trabajo pero tu jefe…en general nunca terminas antes de media noche. (pag2)Bebes de 10-12 tazas de café, y dieta irregular: comes lo que pillas, y cuando llegar a casa, Lucía…tu hijo sabe que trabajas.... no puedes evitar... fumas 20-25 cigarrillos al día.(pag3)Dolor palpitante en la zona posterior... asustado por un posible... tu jefe... empeora y tomas parecetamol para aliviarlo. (pag4)Desde hace tres... aumentan considerablemente sobretodo...

* * *

-Mr. David Pérez? I am Doctor Fresnel, please come in, how can I help you today?
-Good afternoon, doctor. Doctor I have been having constant headaches lately and…..

At the Theatre_Jérôme Bel

...and when I was starting to feel the tiredness of being a person, I find myself sitting in Sadler's Wells in front a group of twenty human beings that make me care for them. No words but dance. Something simple like a pirouette or one of those moves we practice when no one is watching provokes a giggle in me or an unexpected tear.

If only we were reminded more often that beauty is relative and boundaries biased.
Jérôme Bel's #Gala tonight was a celebration of difference and an exercise of compassion: the dose of humanity one would expect from an art expression nowadays.

I am curious about their process. I wish I had been in the rehearsal room. I wish I had been 'the salsa dancer' in the collective, choosing Joe Arroyo to be played out loud in the theatre and taking my clothes off in front of everyone at the end of the show.

Emerging Star8_Purple Shirt

It's a hot sunny day and I am sitting outside, in the shade, with my wife and son having lunch in the terrace of a restaurant in a Mediterranean country. It's the film I am working on today. As an extra.

I say: 
-Now the guy in black will threaten the guy in purple shirt with a gun and force him to jump in a car and take him to his boss' home.

One of the extras on the table next to us asks:
-And how do you know that?
-Because I was seen for the role of the guy in the purple shirt, and this is the scene I had to do in the casting.
-Did you get the part? -he asked

Precios del Exilio

Cuando veo en alguna tienda 2x1 mango o alguno suelto por debajo de £0,80 lo compro sólo por la curiosidad de saber si saldrá bueno. Suelo equivicarme, pero cuando me sale alguno carnoso y dulce, entonces ese vale por todos los que se fueron a la basura.

Hoy tenía antojo de comer aguacate y pagué £1,39 en una tienda infame de mi barrio por uno más bien tirando a pequeño si uno lo compara con los que dan los palos en Jamundí. A cualquiera le hubiera dado un infarto si me ven pagar $5080 pesos por un aguacate de ese tamaño, pero el antojo era más grande que culquier otra cosa.

El almuerzo fue como un viaje en la rueda-de-chicago a media noche, como un paseo en lancha con los pies colgando de la proa, o una cabalgata sabanera en la que uno se topa con la mirla que canta en la copa florida del arrayán

Emerging Star7_Post-audition Trauma

An actor must always treat himself after an audition. I like to buy myself a large cup of Taro bubble tea or go for Japanese lunch, but this morning I decided to go shopping, and this is what I bought:

1x black yoga brick 22x15x7´5
2x metal pencil sharpeners (green and yellow)
1x pack of 8 cartridges for a silicone gun
1x four leaf clover embedded in resin
1x aluminium ruler 15cm
1x pair of 100% black leather gloves
1x pack of super long lasting 10xAAA batteries

The total expenditure was £22’50